There may be a few of you who have not been following this blog since November when I introduced you to Trashy Angel. And even those of you who actually made her acquaintance back in November sort of disappointed me in your complete and total lack of emotional response. Only Joe allowed himself to get all worked up, so to speak. He objected to my calling the poor chained girl "trashy" -- his opinion on when a woman really needs a bra is somewhat different than mine (and all other self-respecting southern women for that matter). So I feel a re-introduction is necessary for the old timers and an inital introduction is necessary for the newbies. Here is Trashy Angel as she appeared in November:

And you old frolickers will recall that she made a wardrobe change sometime in December and became Trashy Mrs. Claus. Please note the identical pose but flashy new "do":
Heidi, Dez and I have speculated about how Trashy Angel might reinvent herself -- would it be as the New Year's Baby? Cupid on Valentine's Day? The Easter Bunny?
Brace yourself now. Trashy Angel/Mrs. Claus has made another wardrobe change. For those of you who are not from around here, Tampa celebrates a pirate invasion every year around this time called Gasparilla. While there may be some marginal historic significance to this yearly drunkfest, Gasparilla ends with a large parade, where women raise their shirts to get the pirates on the floats to throw them beads. It's a pretty trashy spectacle.
But I just did not see this coming. And yet I should have -- why wouldn't Trashy Angel want to participate in the trashiest celebration around? I present to you -- Trashy Pirate:
I feel so stupid for not having predicted this. I'm not sure if she has figured out how to get down to Bayshore yet -- she's still chained to that pole, after all. But if any pirate floats get lost and end up on Hillsborough Ave, she's perfectly poised to lift her little midriff shirt and since we've already determined she's not wearing a bra, we know the beads will be a-flying!
I laughed so hard at this. What could that apartment complex possibly be thinking? Does a half naked manequin make you want to rent an apartment? Is there a family of half naked manequins that own the apartment complex and they are trying to get the word out to other half naked manequins in the area? I just don't know!