Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Memory Wipe

If my own mother's memory is any indication, I doubt that when my kids are grown I'll remember any of the bone-weary tedious days from when they were little. My mom insists that I was an angelic baby sent straight from heaven who never kept her up at night or had gas. So I'm relatively confident that those sleepless nights, and gassy screaming fits, disappear from a mother's memory as surely as the pains of childbirth do. But just in case the memory wipe doesn't kick in in my case, I'll have that picture up there to erase all the memories of nights when he woke up screaming five times for no apparent reason, refusing to be rocked or walked and insisting on being put back in the bed where he would wake up again an hour later, refusing to be rocked or walked, and insisting on being put back in the bed where he would wake up again an hour later . . .

This one never woke me up in the night (see how quickly the memory wipe starts working?). Look -- he's reading his own birthday card! How can he be 6 already? And as you will see in the video below, all that money his father and I have been putting toward his Jedi training is really starting to pay off:

I'm pretty certain that Casey could fend off all attackers with those moves, but I think his credibility is weakened by his choice of weapon. Even the puniest of the puny on the Death Star are not likely to be scared off by a Mickey light saber.

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